pfm_admin – Pakistan Facilities Management Mon, 07 Sep 2020 22:44:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pfm_admin - Pakistan Facilities Management 32 32 COVID-Proof Your Weddings This Season Mon, 31 Aug 2020 02:42:04 +0000

All signs indicate that COVID-19 is here to stay and the best way to deal with this situation is to continue leading your life normally while exercising caution. One of the major setbacks that blighted society as a result of this pandemic is the postponement of weddings. Obviously, large gatherings of the sort must not be encouraged and people should steer clear of them. But what if we told you that you could still have a stellar wedding ceremony amidst a global pandemic? That’s right, allow us to tell you how to COVID-proof your weddings this season!
Seeing how wedding celebrations span several days for multiple hours, the best way to ensure the safety of everyone present is to set preventive measures in place for every step of the way. Not only do we provide unique products to tackle this pandemic responsibly, but by using our custom product range you will be able to protect your guests from the very moment they step out of their homes.

Mandate Face Masks

Everyone who is invited to the big day must wear a face covering as soon as they leave their house. There is no question about it! We provide a variety of different face masks to choose from, including fun ones for kids as well. Pick your style and get glammed up!

Disinfect Cars

Ensure that all vehicles that are used by guests to and from the venue contain a car disinfectant. Our Chemcide Car Disinfectant comes in a handy spray bottle that is easy to store in your vehicle for regular usage.

Limit External Risks

Most people aren’t even aware of the number of germs their footwear brings in. We have addressed this issue with our novel PFM Gatekeeper Shoe Sanitization Mat, a one-of-its-kind shoe disinfectant that works wonders. Designed to easily disinfect the bottoms and soles of footwear, the Shoe Sanitization Mat only needs to be installed at your venue. Its dimensions are customizable and it dispenses disinfectant deep into hard-to-reach crevices as soon as it is stepped upon.

Temperature Control Checks

At the venue, make sure to check every guest’s temperature before allowing them entry. Anyone displaying symptoms must not be allowed on-site for the benefit of everyone else. Our advanced PFM Sentry Facial Recognition IR Thermometer will stand guard and monitor attendance and access control while conducting contactless infrared temperature checks.

Sanitize Frequently

Create sanitization stations at the venue for your guests’ convenience. Areas that are more frequented such as entrances, exits, and food stations are great places to start. Our HandiGel Hand Sanitizer bulk packing should keep you covered for the duration of your event.

Act Responsibly

We can only do so much by supplying you with the tools required to stop the spread. The rest is in your hands! Act responsibly and to the best of your abilities assist others in behaving accordingly.

Quit pushing this momentous occasion too far ahead into the future and seize the day! So long as you use the right equipment and gear and employ necessary safety measures, you and your loved ones can celebrate the start of a new beginning with peace of mind!

Frequently Asked Questions


Should I postpone my wedding?

As long as you take the necessary precautions and plan your wedding out responsibly, there is no need to push this momentous occasion further into the future. Exercise caution while celebrating and you and your guests should be just fine.

How can I ensure that all guests follow safety protocols?

A handy bottle of HandiGel Hand Sanitizer at every table and the trusty PFM Gatekeeper at the venue’s entrance will whisk these worries away. Communicate with your guests effectively and make sure they are aware of the necessity of taking the right measures.

What should I do if I discover a guest is showing symptoms?

If at any point you find out someone is displaying symptoms, limit their interaction with other guests and politely ask them to stay at home. This is usually a difficult task to handle but there is nothing more important than the safety of every single one of your guests.

How do I pick the right venue?

Find out if the venue has undergone disinfection via a reputable organization such as Pakistan Facilities Management to ensure that all the right precautions were taken.

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Restaurants Reopening Amidst A Pandemic – Everything You Need To Know Mon, 31 Aug 2020 02:39:53 +0000

Now that lockdown has lifted and life is slowly and gradually picking up pace, establishments all over the country are reopening their doors. As a restaurant owner, you must be struggling to navigate the strange waters of the COVID-19 era. Aside from the huge adjustment you will have to undergo, you also need to cater to your customers’ concerns about safety. Building trust with your customers is the best way to kick start your business after months of idleness.

So how can you safely get the doors open again and whisk away all of your customers’ worries? Begin by setting a safety protocol in place!

Screen Your Customers At The Door

Before allowing any customers to walk in, you should check for elevated body temperatures. Since using a handheld IR thermometer still requires being in close proximity to every visitor, opting for a standalone and portable device like our PFM Sentry Facial Recognition IR Thermometer is the safest choice. It comes equipped with face mask detection, voice alerts, an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser and has an accuracy of up to 0.2°C. Simply station one outside your restaurant and it shall safeguard you from potential carriers and assure your customers of the high safety standards of your establishment.

Sanitizer Stations

Another method of reducing the spread is by installing hand sanitizer stations within the restaurant. Entrances, exits and bathrooms must be equipped with a sanitization station. Since customers cannot wash their hands as regularly as your staff does, hand sanitizers will prove highly useful and convenient. A reliable and certified hand sanitizer is our HandiGel PFM Hand Sanitizer that contains 71% ethanol content and comes in various sizes to suit your usage.

Practice Social Distancing

A lot of the larger restaurants that offer outdoor seating are now solely using open spaces for seating purposes. However, if your restaurant is not one that can provide customers with such an amenity, then simply opt for a protective shield such as our PFM Shield Acrylic Protection Shield. It is the perfect barrier to avoid close contact in situations where it appears to be unavoidable. It is lightweight and portable so you won’t have to worry about installing it at the tables. You can also customize its shape and size according to your preferences.

Rely On Surface Disinfectants

It is trickier to select a surface disinfectant for a restaurant since the chances of contamination and ingestion of harmful chemicals are far higher. To steer clear of any such woes, select a disinfectant that is safe to use on food surfaces. An ideal choice is our quaternary ammonium-based Chemcide PFM Surface Disinfectant that is devoid of alcohol and bleach. Certified by PCSIR and boasting active ingredients recommended by CDC, WHO and EPA, it is bound to get the job done right.

By employing these simple yet highly effective techniques, you can safely reopen your restaurant amidst a global pandemic. Your customers and staff will both remain protected and your business will thrive. As long as you prioritize your clients’ trust and your staff’s well-being, COVID-19 will have nothing on you!

Frequently Asked Questions


Should the restaurant staff wear face coverings?

Absolutely! Seeing how your customers will not be employing the use of face coverings, you should mandate face coverings for staff members, such as the wait staff, that come into contact with customers.

Where can I find suppliers for the safety equipment needed?

We provide a range of customizable products to help you reopen your business safely. Head over to our Shop to learn more about what we have to offer.

What measures should my staff take while serving customers?

Make sure your staff sanitizes and washes their hands after interacting with every social circle on the premises. Our HandiGel Hand Sanitizer is the perfect choice for speedy and effective sanitization.

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Surface Disinfectants: Dos and Don’ts Mon, 31 Aug 2020 02:35:07 +0000

By means of surface disinfectants, you can eradicate most if not all of the risks at hand. As paranoia runs rampant and supermarket aisles are stripped clean, now more than ever, awareness is in high demand. While the pandemic threatens a second wave, we need to ascertain that we are prepared for it. One of the easiest means of combatting the spread of the COVID-19 virus is through disinfection, so it is very important to keep disinfecting the surface of the commonly used areas.

Join us in learning some basic dos and don’ts for surface disinfectants that will help you pick the right product and make the best use of it.

Decide On A Surface Disinfectant

Depending on the surfaces that you have to work with, your choice of disinfectant will vary. You might want to choose a quaternary ammonium solution such as our Chemcide PFM Surface Disinfectant that works tremendously well with a wide range of surfaces. The best aspect of quaternary ammonium products is that they are effective for longer periods of time and are safe to use for food surfaces as well.

Familiarize Yourself With The Contents

A lot of people assume that using stronger chemicals such as bleach yields cleaner surfaces. Not only is that a myth, but strong chemicals contribute to a myriad of health problems and severely damage your surfaces. After selecting your disinfectant, you should familiarize yourself with its contents to make sure that it is a perfect fit for all your disinfection needs. Certified products containing ingredients recommended by health organizations are your best bet.

Prioritize High-Contact Surfaces

Whether you are at home or in the office, pay attention to areas that are frequently touched by multiple people such as door handles, countertops, taps, office desks, and personal electronic devices. Those areas require the most attention and regular disinfection to keep others safe.

Ensure Maximum Ventilation

Regardless of when and where you make use of surface disinfectants, it is imperative to ensure the area is well ventilated. Pop open the windows and doors and allow the fresh air to replace the strong odors exuded by the chemicals.

Avoid Direct Contact With Skin

Surface disinfectants do not double up as hand sanitizers. Since they demonstrate bactericidal and fungicidal functions, they pose a great risk to human skin. When using them to clean surfaces, make sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling any fumes.

Steer Clear Of Mixing

Avoid mixing multiple disinfectants together while cleaning. At times, the different properties of the chemicals present in different disinfectants change when they are combined. So instead of achieving what you would assume to be premium disinfection, you will be left with an ineffective solution.

Account For Usage

When using surface disinfectants, you will require far bigger quantities than you would think. For that reason, you should account for usage and regularity when purchasing. Our Chemcide PFM Surface Disinfectant comes in two sizes of 5L and 30L that you can choose from depending on the surface area of the place you plan on disinfecting.

Bearing in mind these simple instructions will largely improve your understanding of how surface disinfectants work and guarantee proper usage. Don’t forget to keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children and adopt a regular disinfection schedule!

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Surface Disinfectants

How can I pick the best surface disinfectant?

Choose a potent and certified product that will effectively disinfect your surfaces without
damaging them such as our PFM Surface Disinfectant.

How long does a disinfected surface remain clean?

A surface remains clean after disinfection until the next person comes into contact with it.

Is disinfecting the same as sanitizing?

No, disinfecting cleans and kills germs in one go whereas sanitization requires pre-cleaning and is safer for human skin. Our Surface Disinfectant and HandiGel Hand Sanitizer are great choices to work with.

What is disinfection contact time?

It is the time required to keep the disinfectant moist on a surface before wiping it clean. Ideally, you should aim for 30 seconds to 2 minutes of contact time.

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Car Interior Disinfectant Sun, 16 Aug 2020 14:31:33 +0000

So you’ve learned the proper method of washing your hands, you’ve practiced self-quarantining, stayed at home and perfected the art of social distancing! Now what? With things slowly falling back into place and the world adjusting itself to the potential permanence of COVID-19, we need to figure out how to adapt to these changes and also look into car interior disinfectant.

In times of such uncertainty, the other space one can truly feel safe in is their car. For that purpose, it is not only important but exceedingly useful to know how to disinfect your car safely and thoroughly using car interior disinfectant. Anyone who owns a car would know that the interior of a car is far less durable than surfaces present at homes such as bedroom floors or kitchen countertops. So how should you engage in the delicate process of disinfecting your car and ensuring no damage reaches it?

Clean & Wash Car Interior

Start with a good wash! Albeit a pretty obvious notion, most people prefer the easy way out and get straight to disinfection. I agree, breaking down the process into two parts does sound time-consuming. However, you should know that cleaning and washing your car before disinfecting will make the process far easier and also yield better results. Besides, you don’t want to splurge on car disinfectant, right? A thorough wash to get the dirt out of the way should set you up pretty well for a speedy and meticulous disinfection process.

Avoid Strong Chemicals in Disinfectant

Now that you are ready to start disinfecting, under no circumstances should you opt for household cleaning products! We have all gotten used to the disinfectants lying around at home but, they must never be used for a car. Not only are they manufactured using stronger chemicals which will damage your car’s upholstery, but chances are you’ll also have a hard time getting rid of the pungent smell later. Instead of resorting to household cleaning products, opt for an alcohol-based product like our Chemcide Car Disinfectant spray that contains Isopropyl, Alcohol Ethoxylates and other WHO, CDC, NIH and EPA recommended ingredients. Gentle on your car and incredibly potent against viruses and germs, it will make the entire disinfection process a breeze.

High-Contact Surfaces & Touch Points

Ideally, a car disinfectant should be used in every nook and cranny of your vehicle, but areas that are frequently touched should be prioritized. Start with the door handles, both internal and external, and from there move on to the front cabin. Everything within reach of the driver should be sprayed, wiped and scrubbed. Next, focus on passenger accessible areas such as cup holders, armrests and switches. The floor comes right after, followed by the boot latch, lid and interior. Some of the regularly missed spots are seat belts and clips as well as car keys. Make sure you get those as well and you should be good to go!

Opting for a car disinfectant spray such as our Chemcide Car Disinfectant makes your job easier because it gets to areas that you would not normally reach with a simple wipe. Allow the spray to sit for a few minutes before wiping it down to attain the best results.

Once you are done disinfecting your vehicle, make sure to discard of all disposable protective gear such as masks and gloves used during the process. Wash your hands with gentle soap and change your clothes. Most importantly, remember to regularly use your car disinfectant spray to stop the spread of the virus, protect yourself as well as others and help flatten the curve!

Frequently Asked Questions


What areas should I focus on?

Prioritize high contact surfaces such as car handles, seats, dashboard, steering wheel, and mats.

How can I pick the best car disinfectant?

Pick a product that contains potent chemicals but is gentle on your car’s upholstery such as our Chemcide Car Disinfectant which contains ingredients recommended by WHO, NIH, EPA and CDC.

Which products should I avoid?

Steer clear from products that contain bleach, benzene, hydrogen peroxide or other harsh chemicals when disinfecting your vehicle. Instead aim for ammonium or alcohol based disinfectants like the Chemcide Car Disinfectant.

How often should I disinfect my car?

You should disinfect your car’s interior on a daily basis. However, if your car is used by people from different social circles, it is advised to disinfect it after contact with each social circle.

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